Thursday, July 26, 2012

Feelin' It

Day 2-

Its another day to get this right!

And, I think I did pretty good.

So, I'm just trying to feel things out and get a rhythm for a work out routine that works good for me. I came across stretches on Pinterest to help improve posture, and the only two items that are in my personal workout arsenal are jumping jacks and sit ups. (Right now). I want to expand on that, and get the old heart pumping for a little longer than it currently is when I work out. There is a couple cardio videos that we have, but I'm not sure I want to do them. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like a failure when they can't keep up with the program via dvd?

I did good again today. I exercised after eating breakfast (which, I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast- which the kids helped me with when they finished their toast). I didn't snack (or even think about it, honestly), until lunch time. The kids and I shared another fruit smoothie, and I made us kraft dinner. Food didn't cross my mind again until sometime between 3 and 4, which was when I started getting hungry again. I realize that its probably alright to have a snack, as long as I keep the portion small and healthy. And, I probably would have a snack, but for the fact that I'm always eating it at exactly the wrong time. Such as when supper is about to be prepared. Or, just when I should be going to bed.

I saw, somewhere, that Dr. Oz recommends not eating 3 hours before hitting the sack. I'm going to try and subscribe to that ideology. It was definitely a struggle last night, at 10 or 11 when I really wanted something to munch on, but I didn't cave. Yay me!!

...and Murphy's struck again. As I'm typing this, the ice cream man is driving through our neighbourhood. Cruelty, or what?! Its a test. Good thing is, most of the stuff that all ice cream men carry I don't care much for anyways. So, not much of a temptation. I do, however, have a Reese's Pieces ice cream sandwich in the freezer that's been calling my name for the last two days. Kyle brought it home a couple nights ago (along with a slushy- sorry, I just can't turn down a cold, refreshing Pepsi slushy when its ridiculously hot out). One of these days I will eat that delicious morsel of goodness, but not now. I'll give it a few more days, and then treat myself for doing a job well.

Getting back on track...I'm going to have to make some sort of visual chart to follow when I exercise. The two things I've got going so far- sit up and jumping jacks, and postural stretches- is great, and I feel good knowing that the outcome will be beneficial, but I forgot to do the sit ups this morning. Having the kids around and distracting me didn't really help either. So, if I had something to check off after every event, then I wouldn't forget anything! Its on my to do list.

Supper tonight was hamburgers and salad. I'm not sure I ate enough, because I still feel hungry, but at least its staved off the serious hunger pangs. I had a hamburger and a half (which is normally a lot for me, when I snack a lot in between meals), and a plate full of salad.

Hmmm...I wonder that the sun is shining...we should take a walk with the kids.

Alright, I'm off. Going to run it past husband- hopefully he's game!

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