Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So I just wanted to drop in with some good news!

When I started my exercise journey, I weighed 190 lbs (give or take a few--I don't know how accurate my bathroom scale is. It got a bath one night. It's digital). It's scary admitting that, but there's the truth.

Happily, I've dropped two pounds!! Who!!

I've also discovered the elliptical trainer at the gym. It's quite a bit tougher than my beloved stationary bike, but I like that it burns calories more calories- and in a shorter amount if time- than the bike does. Sold!!

I can just barely run 15 minutes right now, but it's a start, right? Between speed walking, the elliptical and the bike, I can burn at least 300 calories per visit.


I can't wait for the next two pounds to come off!

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